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Tuesday, April 9, 2013

What is the objective of AS-32?

The objective of "AS-32 - Financial Instruments - Disclosures "is to require entities to provide disclosures in their financial statements, that enable users to evaluate:
 the significance of financial instruments for the entity's financial position and performance; and
 the nature and extent of risks arising from financial instruments to which the entity is exposed during the period and at the reporting date, and how the entity manages those risks.

Write short note on Interest Rate Swaps.

Write short note on Interest Rate Swaps.

Interest rate swap can be defined as a financial contract between two parties (called counter parties) to exchange on a particular date in the future, one series of cash flows (fixed interest) for another series of cash flows (variable or floating interest) in the same currency on the same principal (an agreed amount called notional principal) for an agreed period of time. The contract will specify the interest rates, the benchmark rate to be followed, the notional principal amount for the transaction, etc. Interest rates are of two types, fixed interest rates and floating rates which vary according to changes in a standard benchmark interest rate. An investor holding a security which pays a floating interest rate is exposed to interest rate risk. The investor can manage this risk by entering into an interest rate swap.

Write a note on Market Value Added (MVA).

Market Value Added (MVA)
Market value Added (MVA) is the difference between the current market value of a firm and the capital contributed by investors. If MVA is positive, the firm has added value. If it is negative the firm has destroyed value. To find out whether management has created or destroyed value since its inception, the firm’s MVA can be used: MVA=Market value of capital – capital employed This calculation shows the difference between the market value of a company and the capital contributed by investors (both bondholders and shareholders). In other words, it is the sum of all capital claims held against the company plus the market value of debt and equity. The higher the MVA, the better . A high MVA indicates that the company has created substantial wealth for the shareholders. A negative MVA means that the value of the actions and investments of management is less than the value of the capital contributed to the company by the capital markets, meaning wealth or value has been destroyed. The aim of the company should be to maximize MVA. The aim should not be to maximize the value of the firm, since this can be easily accomplished by investing ever-increasing amounts of capital.

Write a note on Sustainability Reporting.

Write a note on Sustainability Reporting.

A sustainability report is an organizational report that gives information about economic, environmental, social and governance performance. An increasing number of companies and organizations want to make their operations sustainable. Establishing a sustainability reporting process helps them to set goals, measure performance, and manage change. A sustainability report is the key platform for communicating positive and negative sustainability impacts. To produce a regular sustainability report, organizations set up a reporting cycle – a program of data collection, communication, and responses. This means that their sustainability performance is monitored on an ongoing basis. Data can be provided regularly to senior decision makers to shape company strategy and policy, and improve performance.

Sustainability reporting is therefore a vital step for managing change towards a sustainable global economy – one that combines long term profitability with social justice and environmental care. Sustainability reporting can be considered as synonymous with other terms for non-financial reporting; triple bottom line reporting, corporate social responsibility (CSR) reporting, and more. It is also an intrinsic element of integrated reporting; a recent development that combines the analysis of financial and non-financial performance. A sustainability report enables companies and organizations to report sustainability information in a way that is similar to financial reporting, which gives comparable data, with agreed disclosures and metrics.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

ICWAI/ ICAI Examiners Comments Summary - DECEMBER 2012 EXAMINATION

Question wise performance
Question 1 
 Overall performance was very good and the majority of the candidates scored good
marks in this question. In fact, this good scoring of marks in this question helped
them to ultimately do well in this paper.
Question 2 
 Performance of the candidates was of average level for Part (a). Very few candidates 
could understand the difference between Branch S tock a/c and Branch Adjustment a/c.
 Some of the candidates explained the meaning of Depreciation & various methods of 
calculating the same, instead of stating the criteria of a depreciable asset. 
 Quite a few candidates did not calculate the value of inventory correctly.
Question 3 
 Most of the answers were satisfactory for Part (a).
 Overall, the candidates failed to prepare Hire Purchase Trading a/c correctly. They 
showed very poor knowledge of this topic.
 There is lack of clarity of fundamental concepts in Royalty Accounting for Part ©. The 
answers were not correct.
Question 4 
 Many students could not prepare B/S of the company correctly for Part (a). This was due 
to wrong calculation of Interest on Capital and consequently wrong division of profits 
among partners.
 Overall performance was average for Part (b). Goodwill under capitalization method 
could not be worked out correctly by many students. 
 Most of the answers were satisfactory. However in Part (c), some students considered 
Emergency Exit Expenditure as Capital expenditure, instead of revenue expenditure.Question 5
 Most of the answers for Part (a) were partly correct. Many candidates failed to prepare 
Memorandum Contract A/c correctly. The answers showed lack of proper 
understanding of this topic among the students.
 Some of the candidates did not give correct treatment for bonus utilized in reduction of 
premium & hence, the final balance of Life Insurance Fund was calculated wrongly in 
Part (b).
Question 6 
 Overall satisfactory answer was given by the students. However, some students 
did not understand correct utilization of reserves for issue of Bonus Shares.
 Generally well answered. However, some students could not prepare correct Trial 
balance after carrying out necessary rectifications.
Question 7 
 Most of the answers for Part (a) were correct. Some students did not have a clear
idea about how to prepare the Balance Sheet from given Ratios, although this is a
common type of question.
 This Question was attempted by very few students. The performance was 
unsatisfactory, as the students lack proper understanding of provisions of 
Companies (Declaration of Dividend out of Reserves) Rules, 1975
Question 8 
 Answers were not brief and to the point. Most of the answers were descriptive in nature.
The students lack ability to express answers to theory questions.
 Students must appreciate that this is a paper where high marks can be secured,
provided they prepare well. However, it appeared that large number of them was not
well prepared. It must be understood that there is no alternative to acquiring
knowledge of the subject. For that purpose, more intensive study of the Institute Study
Material and prescribed texts is a must. The students must also practice to solve
problems from past question papers of the Institute and those of other professional
bodies covering the various matters covered in the syllabus, so that they can face the
examination more confidently.
 They must also improve their skill of presentation of their answers in a neat and
well-arranged manner. This will help them to score higher marks.GENERAL OBSERVATION 
From the performance evaluation, ranking report submitted by examiners it is observed that
about 50% of the candidates’ performance was very poor. From this it is revealed that students
are taking casual approach in appearing in such professional examination. It is advised that indepth study of Institutes Study Materials, reading of good textbooks followed by regular
repeat, regular practice of problems on various chapters can only help the candidates to clear 
such professional examination. No short cut method will help the students to bring success in 
their career.
Question wise performance
Question 1 
 Part (a) below average. Many students were confused in justifying the answer.
 Most of the students were unaware regarding the provisions of partnership applicable to 
LLP in Part (b)
 As the question for Part (c ) was related with contract or bailment, some candidates were 
able to give correct answer. Performance was satisfactory.
 Few candidates presented satisfactory correct answer with proper reasons for Part (d).
 In Part (e) performance was good as many of them give correct answer.
 Majority of the candidates could not explain consideration in a contract of guarantee for 
Part (f). Performance was poor.
 Performance was average for Part (g). Most of the students could not understand the 
question and were far away from the answer.
Question 2 
 Part (a) was attempted by many students and explained well. Performance was good.
 Performance was satisfactory for Part (b) as the students were able to explain P.F. benefit 
in view of retirement to some extent.
 Majority of the candidate could not offer justification regarding consumer protection act. 
Performance for Part (c) was average.
 A very good percentage of examinees could answer well for Part (d).
 Many of the candidates could not understand the question for Part (e) and were unable to 
clarify the deceit and deceive.
 Performance in Part (f) was good.
 Many of the candidates could not justify the answer in right direction. Performance for 
Part (g) was satisfactory.
 Performance in Part (h) was excellent as most of them mentioned correct fill in the 
blanks.Question 3 
 Students explained the answer for Part (a) with proper rule.
 Candidates were able to explain the performance of contract well. Performance was good 
for Part (b).
 In part (c), regarding the protection of eyes of workmen, many candidates gave proper 
 Part (d) was not answered by most of the candidates. Performance was below average.
 It seems students were unaware about the meaning and duty of the occupier. Performance 
was satisfactory for Part (e).
Question 4 
 Though most of the candidates did not attempt part (a) overall performance was 
 Very few attempted Part (b). And those who attempted could not give proper answer.
Question 5 
 Many of the candidates were confused in answering fixed deposit is a current asset or not. 
Performance for Part (a) was average.
 Performance for Part (b) was below average. Majority of the candidates could not explain 
arrear depreciation well. 
 In Part © majority failed to indicate proper provisions. Performance was poor.
 Overall answer in Part (d) was not up to the mark. Performance was satisfactory.
 In Part (e) performance was good, almost everyone were able to explain well.
 A maximum number of students gave to the point answer for Part (f). Performance was 
 Students could not explain the features of CIS. Performance in part (g) was poor.
Question 6 
 Performance was good for Part (a). Examinees explained all about fixed assets in a good 
 A large number of students explained positively the auditor’s duty in respect of loan. 
Performance was good for Part (b).
 Performance was very good for Part (c). Attempted by maximum students and secured 
good marks.
 A limited number of examinees attempted but answer was not proper for Part (d).
 Some gave wrong answer due to lack of knowledge of CIS. Performance was average for 
Part (e).
 Majority could not differentiate between the risk of non detection of error and non 
detection of fraud. Performance was below average for Part (f). In Part (g) some students presented satisfactory correct answer with proper reasons.
Question 7 
 Performance was poor. Students were unaware about justification of AS.
 In part (b) performance was average. Most were unable to answer the same.
 It looks majority are not well versed with pervasive effect and specific effect in CIS. 
Performance was poor for Part (c).
 Maximum number of candidates explained very good answer for Part (d).
 Majority of the students explained the physical verification of inventory in a proper way. 
Performance was good in Part (e).
 Examinees gave proper answer to this question. Performance in Part (f) was good.
Question 8
 Very few candidates attempted part (a). Performance was average.
 Though Part (b) was simple yet students were unable to give right answer. 
 Examinees were able to explain different approaches to some extent. Performance for 
Part (c ) was satisfactory.
 Performance for Part (d) was average. Very few could give to the point answer.
 The performance of the candidates was unsatisfactory.
 Try to follow chronological sequence for answering question. Write sub section in serial 
under main question. Disturbing serial creates bad impression on examiners.
 Answer the question in an orderly and logical manner.
 There is no need to write full question in the answer script as it requires extra time and 
 Handwriting should be legible and spelling mistakes to be avoided.
 Stress should be on relevant material mentioning law and sections instead of unnecessary
filling of answer sheets.
 As most of the questions are related with problems, proper practice of theoretical model 
problems is essential so that command over the fundamentals of the subject matter is 
 It is essential to study the Institute’s materials and text books of latest edition.
 In depth and detailed study of company law and corporate law is highly recommended.IP – 07: APPLIED DIRECT TAXATION
Question wise performance 
Question 1 (compulsory objective type question)
Answered well by most students. Examinees need not write the question and the answer but give 
the correct word/phrase with the option number, to save time.
Question 2 
 In part (a) many examinees have given definition of all types of assesses, whereas as 
per the question only definition of Company’s Residential Status was expected.
 Part (b), (c) and (d) are generally well answered.
Question 3 
 Parts (a), (b) and (c) – presentation is not proper. Also error in calculation of Long Term 
Capital Gain of Shares is seen.
Question 4 
 In part (c) apportionment of capital employed in business to determine correct taxable 
amount – not done properly.
Questions 5, 6 &7
 Many students are not well prepared to answer theory questions and case based questions 
requiring application of provisions on the Income Tax Act.
Question 8
 In part (b) only few examinees have given correct priority of set off of losses.
Suggestions to improve
 Read the questions carefully and understand what is required to be stated.
 Answers written should have relevance to the marks allotted, and the question asked.
 Candidates should learn to manage their time, so that they can complete the paper. 
General observation
Examinees need to revise the topics and important points including solving practical 
problems before the examination.
Examinees would perform better if they understand and clearly grasp what is asked for in 
the question and cover the required points only in their answers.INTERMEDIATE GROUP II
Overall performance of the candidates, as commented by the examiners, was satisfactory. 
However, the deficiencies as observed in answering the questions and which candidates are 
required to make note for the improvement are as under:
 The quality of answers reflected lack of conceptual knowledge and understanding of 
the candidates considering the expected standard level of the subject ‘Cost and 
Management Accounting’.
 It has also been observed that the candidates lacked adequate practice to solve diverse 
range of questions.
 Working notes to practical problems were either absent or not properly exhibited by 
most of the candidates.
 In many cases candidates not answered the questions completely in sequence. 
Answers to sub-parts of each question were scattered over different pages of the 
answer book instead writing them consecutively.
 Some other deficiencies observed and commented by the examiners were poor 
handwriting, poor presentation, spelling and grammatical mistakes.
Question wise performance
Question No. 1 
 This was the compulsory and objective-type question. Performance of the candidates has 
been satisfactory and most of them had secured good marks.
Question No. 2
 Average performance was observed in Part(a) of the question.
 Performance of candidates was found satisfactory for Part (b). However, only a few 
candidates could state five types of managerial decisions for which Differential Cost 
Analysis is useful.
Question No. 3
 This practical question related to ‘Acceptance of Special Order’ was attempted by less 
number of candidates and the answer given by only few of the candidates was 
satisfactory for Part (a). Though the candidates have answered Part(b) well, however, some candidates were not 
fully aware of the various advantages of standard costing system.
Question No. 4
 The Part (a) theoretical question concerned with the ‘Treatment of overtime wages in cost 
accounts’ was attempted well by majority of the candidates.
 This numerical part required conceptual understanding of ‘Contract Costing’. Broadly, 
the candidates were able to prepare the ‘Contract Account’ correctly. Some of the 
candidates failed to calculate correctly the amount of profit to be transferred to P&L A/C 
and many of the candidates were not able to show the ‘Contractee Account’ correctly.
Question No. 5 
 The practical problem on ‘Uniform Pricing’ required sound understanding of ‘Uniform 
Costing’ to solve it correctly. Many of the candidates who attempted Part (a) failed to 
calculate correct uniform price.
 This theoretical question on ‘distinguish between Indifferent Point and Break-even Point’ 
was attempted satisfactorily by majority of the candidates.
Question No. 6
 A large number of candidates attempted this practical problem related with the ‘Transfer 
Pricing’. Most of the candidates answered Part (a) satisfactorily.
 This theoretical question related to ‘Job Order Costing’ was answered well by most of the 
Question No. 7 
 This practical problem related to ‘Operating Costing’ was attempted by large number of 
candidates. The overall performance for Part (a) was bit disappointing as many 
candidates were not able to classify cost as Variable cost, Semi-variable cost and Fixed 
cost correctly.
 This theoretical question concerned with the meaning of ‘Cost Apportionment’ and ‘Cost 
Absorption’ and was attempted well by the majority of the candidates.
Question No. 8 
 Performance of candidates for Part (a) was poor and most of the candidates provided 
layman answer.
 Most of the candidates attempted well Part (b) of the question.
 Performance of the candidates was average for Part ©.
 Generally the answer for Part (d) given by the candidates was satisfactory. It was the least attempted part of the question. Moreover, those who attempted Part(e)
had not performed well.
Question No. Comments
1(a), (b), (c) As it was objective question, in general Performance was satisfactory. If 
students will go through the study materials properly they could easily 
score more marks. 
Performance was average. Students need to practice numerical questions.
Average Performance. Students need to practice numerical questions
Performance was good
Performance was average as students could not understand these 
mathematical questions.
Performance was satisfactory.
Performance was unsatisfactory.
Performance was satisfactory.
Performance was satisfactory.
Performance was average.
Performance was average.
Performance was average.
Performance was unsatisfactory. Thorough reading of study notes is 
Performance was unsatisfactory. Thorough reading of study notes is 
5(a), (b), (c), (d) As it was objective question, in general Performance was satisfactory.
Performance was average.
Very few students have attended this question. It seems lack of practical 
Very few students have attended this question. It seems lack of practical exposures.
Performance was satisfactory.
Performance was average.
Performance was poor. It was noticed that very few students have 
answered it correctly. Students could not understand this question. They 
are advised to go through the questions properly.
8(a) to (h) Performance was average. Students are advised to study the relevant 
chapters thoroughly.
 Questions are set within the syllabus & study notes, students are advised to read it 
 To fetch high scores students should labor hard for objectives & numerical sections of the 
question paper. They should consult reference books of this subject.
 This paper is a technical paper and students need to balance in both parts Operation 
management & information system. Comprehensive preparation and in-depth knowledge 
is required for both parts.
 Students are advised to avoid selective studies.
 Students should consult the past questions and suggested answers of the institute to know 
the suggested pattern/standard of the questions & presentation of answers.
 This paper is high scoring paper; regular practice will make them perfect.
Specific Comments:
Q1. This is a compulsory objective type of question with sub-part (a) and (b) based on 
application of law in Central Excise, Customs, Service Tax and VAT and overall 
performance of the students is average.
Q2. The answer was attempted fairly well by the majority of the candidates. But the concept 
of specific duty (Part-C) in the context of Excise Law was not clear to few students.
Q3. Overall performance of the candidates is satisfactory. However the provisions relating to 
credit for input services utilized for manufacturing a product exported provide relief to 
the exporters are not pro reply explained by most of the candidates. (Part-C)Q4. The performance was generally satisfactory as the questions were based on practical 
aspects. But many students did not know the proper treatment of packing charges in the 
context of assessable value for Excise Duty purposes (Part – A).
Q5. There was average performance of the candidates in this question. However, concept of 
‘Acquisition Fraud’ is not known properly by many candidates (Part – B).
Q6. The answer was attempted fairly well by majority of the candidates.
Q7. Only few students were able to give correct value of taxable service.
Q8. Difference between transfer of goods and transshipment of goods under Customs Laws 
are not properly explained by most of the candidates.
General Comments:
The quality of most of the answers reflected candidate’s lack of analytical ability and in-depth 
knowledge in the subject.
Time management of many of the candidates was not proper resulting in one full question or part 
question at the end being left out for lack of proper time. FINAL GROUP III
The paper setting was good objective oriented and very systematic. All the questions were 
relevant, good overage of syllabus and as per standard expected of the Final level examination.
Unsatisfactory performance of some candidates mainly due to failure to understand the question, 
wrong/incomplete answers, bad hand writing, vague answers and lack of logical and systematic 
approach. However overall performance was satisfactory. Considerable number of candidates 
avoided the calculations/workings for which separate marks were earmarked.
 Candidates should keep in touch with periodical amendments and study Institute’s Study 
materials and books of latest edition.
 Thorough and in depth study is necessary especially for compulsory question no 1 & 5.
 Careful reading and understanding the basic requirement of the question is a must.
 Avoid repetition of same points.
 To provide margins on both sides of the answer books and to provide adequate space 
between answers for a legible presentation.
 Not to write vague answers.
 To improve hand writing.
 To improve communication skills.
Question wise performance
1a (i) (ii)
1b (i) (ii)
Q 1 c (i) (ii)
Satisfactory – but number of candidates 
avoided these questions.
1a (iii – vi)
1 b (iii – vi)
1c (iii)
Good. Almost all the candidates attempted.
Q 5a, 5b (ii) Good.
Q 5b (i),, (iii) to (v) Satisfactory.Optional.
Q4a, 4b
Q2b Satisfactory but proper presentation was 
lacking. Part wise mark not indicated by 
Good – Majority attended.
Q4d Unsatisfactory. Lack of study and lack of 
understanding the question.
Q6a,6b,6c Satisfactory. Majority avoided this question.
Good majority attended these questions.
The paper was well set balancing and covering the entire syllabus. It was a judicious mixture of 
theory and practical questions enabling candidates to score reasonably good marks and also 
testing the theoretical knowledge and cost accounting/ financial techniques.
Thorough and in depth study of the subject, consulting the study material issued by the Institute
and solution of past examination questions and an understanding of the requirement of the 
question would definitely prove better result. The candidates must have an in depth knowledge 
of computation of forward rates of currency. They must read the theories of each chapter in the 
study materials of the Institute. More clarification required on step wise process to be followed
by the examinees. Question numbers must be written properly. 
Question wise performance
Question No. 1 
 All examinees attempted this question well. Most of the examinees failed to give 
workings in support of answers.Question No. 2 
 Average performance. Those who attempted could not do correctly in most cases.
Question No 3
 Part (a) was answered correctly in most cases. Students were lacking in the knowledge of 
EVA and Market Value Added.
Question No 4 
 Fair 
 Average performance. Most of the candidates failed to explain hybrid debt security.
Question No 5 
 Very few examinees attempted this question. Poor performance for Part (a). Majority of 
the students could not determine the impact of change in credit policy.
 Very few attempted part (b). Performance was satisfactory.
Question No 6
 Average performance but many failed to compute value of option.
 Fair performance. 
 Average
Question No 7 
 Average performance.
 Fair performance. Most of the candidate failed to explain money market hedge is 
beneficial or not. 
 Average performance.
Question No 8 
 Satisfactory performance. Theoretical knowledge is lacking.PAPER 13 – MANAGEMENT ACCOUNTING – STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT
The standard of the questions asked was up to the mark. The questions were well set to check the 
candidates’ analytical ability. It was duly balanced having scope for conceptual skill theoretical 
knowledge in practical situation covering 100% of the syllabus.
The overall performance has not been up to the level which may be expected from the 
students desirous of entering into the profession of high expertise and knowledge.
Their answers exhibited lack of systematic and logical approach, clear presentation,
proper and adequate conceptual and analytical explanation.
They had poor knowledge of concepts and also lack adequate practice to solve diverse 
range of practical problems.
Certain candidates did not start answer to each question on a FRESH PAGE as instructed 
by the Institute.
More questions having different parts were answered by some of the examinees at 
different places of their answer books.
Question No. 1 
 Part (a) was answered by and large well by most of the candidates. The overall
performance was good.
 Although majority of the candidates were able to choose correct answers for Part (b) from 
the alternatives but they could not substantiate their answers with adequate reasons.
 In Part (c) most of the candidates could get few rights. Very few got the answer correct. 
The overall performance was of average level.
Question No. 2
 The overall performance for Part (a) was of average level. Most of the candidates could 
get few steps/points right. Some of them performed well.
 Parts b, c, d & e were theory questions. Most of the examinees could get few points right. 
Some of them performed well. The overall performance was of average level.
Question No. 3 
 In Parts (a) (b) & (c), most of the examinees could get few points right. Some of them 
performed well. The overall performance was of average level. Most of the candidates could get few steps right in Part (d) & (e). Some of the performed 
well but the overall performance was poor.
Question No. 4
 Part (a) overall performance was above average level.
 In Part (b) & (c) most of the candidates failed to answer correctly, their answers were not 
up to the mark.
Question No. 5 
 Part (a) of the question was answered by and large well by most of the examinees. The 
overall performance was good.
 Although majority of the candidates were able to choose correct answers for Part (b) but 
they could not substantiate their answers with adequate reasons.
Question No. 6
 Most of the candidates could get few points’ right in Part (a) & (b) and few got the 
answer correct. The overall performance was of average level.
 Most of the candidates failed to answer to the Parts (c) & (d) correctly. The overall 
performance was not up to the mark.
Question No. 7
 Most of the candidates failed to answer parts (a) & (b) correctly. Some of them gave 
vague answers and irrelevant details in their answers. The overall performance was not 
up to the mark.
 In Part (c) & (d) most of the candidates could get few points of the answers right. 
Overall performance was of below average level.
Question No. 8 
 Most of the candidates could get few points of the answer right. Some of them performed 
well. The overall performance was of average level.
 The examinees are advised to read and understand the questions thoroughly and carefully 
before writing the answers.
 The examinees should consult / read standard reference books (latest edition) / study 
notes thoroughly and analytically.
 Read the theoretical portion before attempting the practical problems. Only theoretical 
knowledge will help to develop conception and computational skills. Adequate practice of theoretical model problems is essential to acquire command over 
the fundamentals of the subject matter.
 Due attention must be given towards orderly presentation of solution of practical 
problems in suitable FORMAT along with sufficient working notes in order to secure 
good marks.
 Comprehensive preparation and acquiring in-depth knowledge of the subject matter is 
extremely required.
 Avoid vague, unnecessary and irrelevant details in the answers to the questions.
 Never tend to indulge in selective studies.
 Consult past questions and suggested answers of the Institute to know the standard of the 
questions and presentation of answers to the questions.
The overall performance of the students was highly unsatisfactory. The performance would have 
projected a darker picture, had it not been for the first question, which was an objective type (Fill 
up the blanks).
 Overall communication skills were poor, which were evident from the answers given for 
the theory type questions.
 Most of the students were not aware of the recent amendments and the same resulted in 
furnishing wrong answers.
 Conceptual clarity was lacking. 
 Working notes were either missing or were inadequate for most of the problems, despite 
clear instruction in the question paper.
 Most of the students never read the instructions printed in page 2 of the answer book. 
Answers to each question were not given in a fresh page, which is a basic pre-requisite.
Question-wise comments
Question no. 1
 Barring a few sub-divisions, this was answered satisfactorily.
Question no. 2
 This was a poorly answered question. Vague answers were seen in most of the answer 
 Instead of outlining the procedure for fixing anti-dumping duty, several students had 
written about what anti-dumping duty is. Most of the candidates were not aware of the treatment of dividend received from foreign 
company in which 35% of the share holding is held. It is obvious that students are not 
aware of the recent amendments.
Question no. 3
 This question on service tax evoked a satisfactory response.
 Most of the students were unable to give a precise answer for Part (b).
 Even though this issue is clearly discussed in the Study Material, precise answer was lacking 
in most of the answer books.
 This problem in wealth tax was generally answered satisfactorily. Students should however 
bear in mind that a brief note on the treatment of each item needs to be given by them.
Question no. 4
 Part (a) was not answered well by most of the students.
 The RTP has discussed the answer. However, most of the students did not understand the 
question properly.
 Part (c) is based on a recent amendment and several students exhibited their ignorance of 
the same. General answers were found in several answer books.
Question no. 5
 Few candidates had solved this problem in VAT correctly.
 Though several students could conclude correctly, precise reasoning could not be 
adduced by many of them.
 This was not a question which had been answered well.
Question no. 6
 Majority of candidates wrote the answer for this question well.
 This was one of the few questions which were not at all understood properly by many 
students. As a result, wrong answers were given for Part (b) by most of the students.
 Only handful of students applied the correct exchange rate.
 Generally, a satisfactorily answered question.
Question no. 7
 The recent amendment conferring privileges to SSI units in payment of excise duty was 
not known to many students.
 Extremely poor answers were seen for the three sub-divisions of this question in Part (b) 
in vast majority of the answer books.
 Only a few students wrote answers to the question in Part © involving applicability of the 
TDS provisions under the Income-tax Act, 1961.Question no. 8
 Those who understood the concept, solved this problem in Part (a) correctly, but such 
students were in a minority.
 Though a simple problem, only few students had solved this fully correctly.
 Students should study all the recent amendments and understand the implications of the 
same. They must learn to apply them while working out the problems.
 More problems should be worked out by them.
 Students must understand the concepts well.
 Students should use precise legal terminology as relevant for a taxation paper.FINAL GROUP IV
Report on the Performance of Students
Question Nos. Performance of Students Suggestion for improvement
1(a) Overall performance was 
good. Some students did not 
give the reason behind false 
which was required as per 
the question.
Students could have saved time by writing 
only the reasons for false. Many students 
wasted time by writing unnecessary details 
and/or examples. No need of reasons for true 
1(b) Very good performance by 
majority. Some got full 
Students should have read the whole syllabus 
sincerely. They should preferably write in the 
same order as the question paper to avoid 
confusion during evaluation. 
1(c ) Overall performance was 
A conceptual knowledge is required for this 
type of questions.
1(d) Average performance. Students may prepare for the paper more 
strategically by remembering key words in 
definitions of important terms. They need not 
waste time by giving examples/ details.
2 Poor performance. Students should try to make a report on Life 
Cycle Operating Profit statement based on 
sales and fixed cost including total cost in 
precise form. Secondly year wise effect of 
reduction in price on LCOP is necessary. 
Examinees should calculate the Distribution 
Costs to show the Operative profit/loss. A 
comment in concise form is compulsory.
3(a) Very good performance Students should write definition of control 
system and its formal and informal system 
with suitable example.
3(b) Average performance. Few 
students did very well.
Students should prepare a comparative 
economic statement of the two alternatives 
for a decision making.
4 (a) Good performance. Students should be thorough in such common 
topics, so that they may cover an entire 
aspect with sticking to time.
4(b) Most of the students 
attempted. Good 
Students should draw a decision tree with (i) 
enter the market showing High, Medium, 
Low and No sales and (ii) do not enter the 
market. Evaluation decision point is
necessary on EMV of different chance nodes. 
A comment is also compulsory.5(a) Very good performance. 
Majority attempted and got 
full marks.
Students should try to focus on point basis to 
score high. 
5(b) Average performance. Examinees should learn the Simulation using 
3 series of a random numbers for calculating 
the Expected Profit (average). Working notes 
are very much necessary. 
6(a) Good performance. Most of 
the candidates attempted 
and got full marks.
Students should write the 4 aspects of BSC in 
concise form.
6(b) Poor performance. Students should enter the critical arena of 
calculation for ascertainment of details of 
costs and P&L account. A statement of 
reconciliation of actual profit with standard 
profit is to be shown.
7(a) Very good performance. 
Majority attempted and got 
good marks.
Students showed a fair level of understanding 
and the ability to summarize. Some even 
gave appropriate examples.
7(b) Good performance. Student should write the definition and give 
condition or constraints under which 
optimization is to be accomplished.
7(c ) Good performance. Students 
have presented the answer 
very well.
Students should write the definition of
‘Quality’ and ‘Cost Management’. Give an 
appropriate relevance of ‘Quality’ in the cost 
7 (d) Good performance. Most of 
the candidates attempted 
and got full marks.
Student should write the definition of TQM 
and discuss its approach encompassing a 
companywide operating philosophy and 
system for continuous improvement of 
7 (e) Average performance. Most 
of the students could not do 
Students should write the meaning of Kaizen 
Costing Approach with an example.
8(a) Poor performance. Features of matrix organization with an 
example / structure with imaginary data are 
8(b) Poor performance. Should write the definition of Aggregate 
Planning. The steps for the same are to be 
mentioned accordingly.
8 (c) Good performance. Students should write the meaning of ERM 
 Candidates must read the study materials thoroughly and suggested answers of 
previous years’ question papers and quality text books.
 A few candidates lack in conceptual knowledge and sometimes they have given 
irrelevant and vague answers mainly relating to the subjective type of questions.
 It is observed that the paper is a standard one.
The question paper was quite well balanced and covered the important topics of the syllabus in a 
judicious manner. There was a balanced mix of theory and problem related questions. Care was 
taken to test the skill levels of the candidates in respect of their knowledge, power of 
comprehension, application and analysis. Candidates with reasonable preparation were expected 
to perform well in this examination. The questions set could be comfortable answered within the 
stipulated time of 3 hrs.
Question No. 1 
 Almost all the examinees found the majority of questions within their knowledge and 
secured good marks in all three parts of the question.
Question No. 2 
 Part (a) the answers were good in general. Some candidates failed to work out inter 
segment adjustments resulting in ultimate wrong answers. Many also failed to deal with 
the difference between ‘external sales and total sales’.
 Poor performance in Part (b), (c) & (d). Most of the candidates seemed to have no 
knowledge of the subject.
Question No. 3 
 Performance was of very average standard for Part (a). Purchase consideration, transfer 
of liability of foreign company, intrinsic value of the company could not be correctly 
worked out by majority of the candidates. It was apparent that the candidate did not have 
enough practice to solve such problems.Question No. 4 
 Average performance in Part (a). Many candidates failed to calculate revenue profit 
minority interest and goodwill correctly. 
Question No. 5
 Many candidates failed to calculate Excise Duty, which resulted in wrong value added in 
Part (a).
 Poor performance in Part (b) as the students could not work out correct amounts for 
passing journal entries.
Question No. 6
 Very few gave correct answers. Only a few could calculate correct amount of Capital 
Employed for 2 years / Average capital employed. All correct figure of future 
maintainable profit could be found by a few candidates only resulting in wrong 
calculation of Goodwill. For valuation of Goodwill almost none of the candidate could 
work capitalization method.
Question No. 7 
 In part (a) many answers were partly correct. Some of the candidates failed to calculate 
Debenture amount correctly. Some candidates confused between Capital reserve and 
 Poor performance in; part (b) but only such examinees who had specific knowledge did 
answer well. Many candidates didn’t mention what are included in Corporate Social 
Reporting, only meaning of CSR was stated.
Question No. 8
 Part (a) – average performance, almost none of the candidates touched ‘measurement of 
environmental performance’.
 Part (b) – Poor answers, form of accounts not stated.
 Part (c) - Fair performance.
 Part (d) – Fair performance.
 It is necessary to prepare well through more intensive study of the Institute Study 
material and prescribed texts.
 The students must also practice to solve all types of problems from past question papers 
of the Institute and those of other professional bodies covering matters covered in the 
syllabus.  Examinees must also improve skill of presentation of answers in a neat and well arranged 
manner which will help them to score high marks.
Question No 1 & No. 5 
 They were objective and compulsory questions. Majority of the examinees have faired 
well. Their performance in these two questions boosted their marks overall. For those 
who could not do well are advised to go through the study material and suggested 
answers thoroughly which will help the examinees to be in a position to correctly answer 
Question No. 2 
 Very few attempted this question and except 2/3 none could not correctly answer. This 
exhibits lack of adequate practice to solve diverse range of practical problems. The 
examinees are advised to practice more problems and undertake deep study of the 
Question No 3 
 Part (a) (i) & (ii) demanded a specific answer. Majority of the examinees performed very 
badly. Many had given vague answer. To answer such questions the examinees ought to 
read the subject thoroughly.
 Very few candidate attempted Part (b) and majority who attempted could answer 
correctly. This exhibits lack of adequate practice to solve diverse range of practical 
Question No 4 
 Part (a) was a very easy question and majority of examinees could write the correct 
 Part (b) was based on CARR. In fact none could correctly answer this question. This 
shows that the examinees are not updated with the latest rules. Students are advised to 
keep them updated.
 Part (c ) was a simple numerical problem which majority of the examinees could do well.Question No 6
 Parts (a) (b) & (c ) were straight – forward question which majority of the examinees did 
Question No 7
 Parts (a) & (b) were simple questions and many could answer them properly.
Question No. 8 
 Parts (a) & (d) were from common topics and majority of the students attempted these 
 Very few could answer Parts (b), (c ) & (e) correctly.
 The examinees are advised to read and understand the questions thoroughly and carefully 
before writing answers.
 The examinees should consult standard reference books/ study notes thoroughly and 
 Read the theoretical portion before attempting the theoretical/practical problems. Only 
theoretical knowledge will help you to develop the conceptual and computational skills.
 Adequate practice of theoretical and practical model problems is essential to acquire 
command over fundamentals of the subject matter.
 Due attention must be given towards orderly presentation of solution of practical 
problems in suitable FORMAT along with sufficient working notes in order to secure 
good marks.
 Consult past questions and suggested answers of the Institute to know the standard of 
questions and presentation of answers to the questions.
 Students are advised to improve their English and handwriting.
 Many candidates did not start answer to each question on a FRESH PAGE as instructed 
by the Institute. This must be adhered to.PAPER 18 – BUSINESS VALUATION MANAGEMENT
Question No. 1 
 Part (a), (b) & (c) – general performance was satisfactory. Weakness was noticed among 
some students in respect of some parts of Part (c). Thorough reading of study notes and 
revisionary test papers will enable the students to score good marks.
Question No. 2 
 Answers were average for Parts (a), (b) and (c). In many cases appropriate definition and 
concept of the subject was lacking orderly presentation was also not present. It is 
recommended to thoroughly read study material and standard text books.
Question No. 3 
 Answer was not very satisfactory except for few for Part (a). Correct and orderly 
presentation of the answer will be improved by regular solving of similar problems from 
standard text books.
 General performance was satisfactory for Part (b).
Question No.4 
 Answers were by and large satisfactory. However orderly presentation of the answers 
should be improves by reading standard text books and study materials.
Question No. 5 
 Part (a) and (b) were theory questions. Answers should be brief and to the point. Most of 
the examinees could get some points right. Some of them performed well. The overall 
performance was of average level.
Question No. 6
 The sum appeared to be little confusing to the examinees. In many cases, the two models 
that lead to identical valuation were not clear from their answers. The students are 
advised to practice more practical problems and undertake through study of the subject.
Question No. 7 
 Answer was satisfactory except for some. Answer will improve by regular solving of 
similar problems from standard text books and study material.Question No. 8 
 General performance was satisfactory. Weakness was noticed among some students in 
respect of Part (v). Thorough reading of the study notes and revisionary test papers will 
enable the students to score good marks.
Examinees / students are advised to study the materials provided by the Institute 
Reading the books prescribed in the syllabus will enhance depth of knowledge.
Students should regularly practice solving questions from past examination papers and 
Disclaimer: The summary of comments of the Head Examiner/ Examiners’ has 
been given as guidance to assist the students in preparing themselves for the 
Institutes examinations. The opinion has been given by the Head Examiners/ 
Examiners and should not be taken to reflect the views of The Institute of Cost 
Accountants of India.

ICWAI/ ICAI Examiners Comments Summary - December 2011 EXAMINATION

Question wise Performance
Question 1 (Compulsory-objective type question)
Overall performance was very good and the majority of the candidates scored good marks in this
question. In fact, this good scoring of marks in this question helped them to ultimately do well in
this paper
Question 2
(a) (a) and (b) performance of the candidates are satisfactory. However, in Part (b), in some
cases, the students committed are mistake of treating “Repairs” as capital expenditure and
including same in Machinery a/c.
(b) Most of the candidates did not have knowledge of how to work out the Sacrifice ratio. This
indicated lack of study of the various aspects of dealing with partnership accounts
(c) Most of the answers did not cover all the aspects.
Question 3
(a) Answers were of mixed nature as some answered well but quite a few could not arrive at
correct answer, by ignoring Cash in hand in opening Balance Sheet and also failed to
include all items including Capital Fund in closing Balance sheet. In such a problem, it is
better to practice by keeping working notes in support of all adjustments, in order to keep
track of the final closing figure.
(b) Mostly incorrect answers as the candidates failed to work out correctly the Interest on
Capital, revised Divisible Profit
Question 4
(a) Many students could not work out Branch Debtors and Branch Adjustment Accounts
(b) Very few students had knowledge of percentages of provision to be made in respect of all
types assets, as asked for in the question.
Question 5
Not a very popular question with the students
(a) Most of the answers were partly correct. Many candidates failed to calculate the quantum of
fresh issue, value of shares redeemed.
(a) Poor answer showing lack of knowledge of the subject
Question 6
(a) Correct answers were not many, as many could not calculate the Cash Price correctly.
(b) Generally well answered
(c) A simple question on passing Journal Entries to rectify/ adjust certain transactions
brought up mixed answers. Those with clear conceptual knowledge did well, those lacking
failed. 2
Question 7
(a) Generally well answered although many failed to correctly point out five points, as asked for
in the question
(b) Fully correct answers were not many and it was evident that the students did not have a
clear idea about the subject of how to Balance Sheet from given Ratios, although this being
also a common type question..
(c) Average answers
Question 8
Short Notes
Answers were not brief and to the point. Most of the answers were of Descriptive nature. Majority of
the candidates did not have clear knowledge about (c) “Conditions of Buy Back.”
Suggestions to improve performance
Students must appreciate that this is a paper where high marks can be secured provided they
prepare well. However, it appeared that large number of them was not well prepared. It must be
understood that there is no alternative to acquiring knowledge of the subject. For that purpose,
more intensive study of the Institute Study Material and prescribed texts is a must. The students
must also practice to solve problems from past question papers of the Institute and those of other
professional bodies covering the various matters covered in the syllabus so that they can face the
examination more confidently.
They must also improve their skill of presentation of their answers in a neat and well-arranged
manner. This will help them to score higher marks.
From the performance evaluation, ranking report submitted by examiners it is observed that about
50% of the candidates’ performance was very poor.
From this it is revealed that students are taking casual approach in appearing in such professional
It is advised that in-depth study of Institutes Study Materials, reading of good textbooks followed
by regular repeat, regular practice of problems on various chapters can only help the candidates to
clear such professional examination.
No short-cut method will keep the students to bring success in their career.
Overall Performance Of Examinees:
Unsatisfactory performance of some candidates are mainly on account of failure to understand the
question, wrong/incomplete answers, bad hand writing, vague and common sense answers,
absence of logical and systemic approach etc.
Compulsory Question
Q. No. 1a, 1f - Satisfactory
1b, 1c, 1d, 1e - Average
1g - Not satisfactory
Optional Question
Q. No. 2a - Not Satisfactory
2b, 2c, 2d, 2e - Average – poor logical approach & presentation
2f - Satisfactory. Many failed to give correct legal provision
3a, 3d, 3f - Not satisfactory, absence of logical approach
3b, 3c, 3e - Satisfactory but lacking logical presentation
3g - Not satisfactory irrelevant answer by many 3
4 (i), 4 (ii), 4 (iii), 4 (v) - Not up to mark
Information (RTI) - Vague/Incorrect answer by many
4b - Not satisfactory – lack of knowledge
Compulsory Question
Q. No. 5a, 5b, 5c, 5g - Average – Not properly answered
5d - More of less satisfactory
5e, 5f - Poor
Optional Question
Q. No. 6a, 6e, 6f, 6g, 6h - Average
6b, 6d - Satisfactory
6c - Not satisfactory
7a, 7c, 7e - Average
7b, 7d, 7f, 7g - Not satisfactory
8a, 8c (ii) - Not satisfactory
8b, 8c (i) & 8d - Average
• The overall performance has not been up to the level which may be expected from the
student desirous of entering into the profession of high expertise and knowledge.
• Their answers exhibited lack of systematic and logical approach, clear presentation, proper
and adequate conceptual and analytical explanation.
• They had poor knowledge of concepts and lacked in adequate practice to solve diverse range
of practical problems.
• Certain candidates did not start answer to each question on a FRESH PAGE as instructed
by the Institute.
• More questions having different parts were answered by some of the examinees at different
places of their Answer Books.
 a. Many of the students did not read the entire subject thoroughly and hence were
found wanting in answering Q. No. 1, which contained multiple choice objective type
questions for 25 marks.
 b. Many students were not aware of the recent amendments;
 c. Lack of subject knowledge was evident. Concepts were not properly understood by
the students and they appeared to adopt a mechanical approach. Most students
found it difficult to answer short questions [question 1(b)];
 d. Usage of precise legal terminology was absent. Though there is no word like “Taxable
Income” “Total Income” is the precise word), many students have used such word or
word like “Net Taxable Income”.
 e. Lack of communication skill was evident. Answers were not presented in a proper
manner by most of the students. 4
Question No. 1:
This question was answered by and large well by most of the candidates. The overall performance
was well.
Question No. 2 (a):
Overall performance was more or less satisfactory.
Question No. 2 (b):
Most of the candidates had added or deducted the amounts of expenses from total turnover,
instead of mentioning the applicability TDS provisions. The overall performance was of below
average level.
Question No. 2 (c):
Most of the candidates could get few points/steps correct. Some of them performed good in
calculation of profit from SEZ which is exempt U/S 10AA. The overall performance was of average
Question No. 2 (d):
Most of the candidates failed to answer correctly in total income chargeable to Tax U/S 44AE. The
overall performance was of below average level.
Question No. 3 (a):
Most of the candidates could get few points/steps right. Some of them performed well. The overall
performance was of average level.
Question No. 3 (b):
Most of the candidates failed to answer to this question correctly. They lacked of knowledge in
respect of LLP. The overall performance was not up to the mark.
Question No. 3 (c):
Most of the candidates wrongly calculated the amount eligible for deduction U/S 35AD of IT Act,
1961. The overall performance was very poor.
Question No. 4 (a):
Most of the candidates answered to the question more or less correctly. The overall performance
was well.
Question No. 4 (b):
Most of the candidates could get few steps/parts correct. Some of them performed well. The overall
performance was of average level.
Question 4 (c):
Most of the answers exhibited lack of knowledge on disallowance arises U/S 40(a)(i)/40(a)(ia) of the
IT Act, 1961 and its applicability in practical situation. The overall performance was of average
Question No. 5 (a):
Setting off of the losses against profits under different heads of income was not correctly answered
by most of the candidates. Some had just added all profits and reduced all losses separately, while
some had reduced the losses on card games, long term capital loss also from total taxable income.
The overall performance was of below average level.
Question No. 5 (b):
Most of candidates could get few steps/parts correct, only few candidates got the answer correct.
Their overall performance has been quite dismal.
Question No. 6 (a):
Most of the answers exhibited lack of knowledge on SLUMP SALE U/S 50B and its applicability in
practical situation. Many of the candidates wrongly calculated the tax liability which arises from
slump sale. Their overall performance has been quite dismal. 5
Question No. 6 (b):
Most of the candidates could get few steps/parts right. Some of them performed well. The overall
performance was of average level.
Question No. 7 (a):
Most of the candidates had prepared statement adding all the deductions mentioned in the
question, instead of considering under sub-sections and considering the limit under each subsection. Most of the candidates failed to compute the tax-liability of Ms. Anju correctly. Their
performance has been quite dismal.
Question No. 7 (b):
Most of the candidates could get few steps/parts of the answer correct. Some of them computed
the total business income working out the exemption U/S 10AA. The overall performance was of
above average level.
Question No. 8 (a):
This question was answered by and large well by most of the candidates. The overall performance
was more or less well.
Question No. 8 (b):
Most of the candidates could get few steps/parts of the answer right. Some of them performed well.
The overall performance was of average level.
¾ The examinees/students are advised to read and understand the questions thoroughly and
carefully before writing answers.
¾ The examinees should consult/read standard reference books. (latest editions)/study notes
thoroughly and analytically.
¾ Read the theoretical portion before attempting the theoretical/practical problems. Only
theoretical knowledge will help you to develop the conceptual and computation skills.
¾ Adequate practice of theoretical/practical model problems is essential to acquire command
over the fundamentals of the subject matters.
¾ Due attention must be given towards orderly presentation of solutions of practical
problems in suitable FORMAT along with sufficient working notes in order to secure good
¾ Comprehensive preparation and acquiring in depth knowledge of the subject matters is
extremely required.
¾ Never tend to indulge in selective studies.
¾ Consult the past questions and suggested answers of the Institute to know the
pattern/standard of the questions and presentation of answers to the questions. 6
Question wise observation and suggestions:
1. By and large most of the candidates answered the question but in many case brief workings
not given to improve the performance reading of study material is very must needed.
2. (a) Most of the examinees solved the problem properly but the last part of the question
could not attempted well.
 (b) Answer was average. Conceptual knowledge must be improved by reading study
material and good textbook.
3. (a) Answer was average. But most of the candidates could not prepare the sales budget
for the year 2011. Regular practice and solving of previous questions can improve
their performance.
 (b) Answer was satisfactory.
4. (a) Majority of the examinees failed to make the distinction “Incentives to indirect
workers” and “Indirect incentives to direct workers”. Only in-depth study of
Institute’s study note can improve their performance.
 (b) Answer was far from satisfactory except a few. Regular practice and orderly
presentation of the answer will be improved only by constant solving of such
problems good textbook and study material.
5. (a) Most of the candidates answered this problem properly. But few students could not
solve the problem in an orderly manner.
 Regular practice can improve their performance.
 (b) Theoretical knowledge of the topic was lacking. Proper study of Institute’s study
material is a must for improvement.
6. (a) Except in few case, performance was below average. Proper calculation of room
charge was not done by many students.
 It is suggested except regular practice performance will not be improved.
 (b) Answer was by and large satisfactory. However, orderly presentation of theoretical
answer should be improved by reading good books.
7. (a) Most of the candidates answered this question and overall performance was more
than average.
 But to improve the performance regular practice is very must required.
 (b) This theoretical answer was attempted properly by most of the candidates for
improvement in-depth study of Institute’s study material is necessary.
8. Answer was average. Appropriate definition and concept of the subject is lacking, orderly
presentation is very much needed. There is no alternative but to read study material and
good textbook. 7
Question-wise Comments:
1 (a), (b) & (c) Objective type. General performance was satisfactory.
Weakness was noticed among some students in respect of
some parts of (a). Such questions are generally spread over
various chapters. Thorough reading of the Study Notes and
Revisionary Test Papers will enable the students to score good
2 (a) Average performance. Those who practiced variety of sums
given in the study materials provided by the Institute could
answer correctly.
2 (b) Performance was good. .
2 (c) Performance was satisfactory.
2 (d) Weakness is noticed in this part. Chapter 3 on Maintenance
Management is a small chapter which the students are
expected to study in depth, in view of its gaining importance in
an industry.
3 (a) Many students have attempted this and could answer
correctly. .
3 (b) Students could answer this part on abbreviations quite well.
3 (c) Performance was average. Lack of sufficient preparation was
4 (a) Not attempted by many. Only a few could answer correctly.
Practicing the sums in the Study Notes and Revisionary Test
Papers is recommended.
4 (b) Those who attempted performed well.
4 (c) Objective type. Performance was good.
4 (d) Performance was average. Part marks were scored by many.
5 (a), (b) & (c) Objective type based on general conception about the subject.
Performance was good.
6 (a) Average performance
6 (b) Average performance.
6 (c) Performance was satisfactory.
7 (a) Good performance.
7 (b) Good performance.
7 (c) Weakness is noticed in answering this part of the question
requiring practical knowledge.
7 (d) Objective type. Performance was quite good.
8 (a) to (h) (short
notes on any six
topics out of
Performance was satisfactory. Weakness was noticed in
respect of (d) where some students wrote about ‘ERP’ instead
of ‘cost of ERP implementation’. This requires careful reading
and understanding the question before attempting to answer.
Students can choose from alternatives.
i) Questions are set within the syllabus and Study Notes, including Revisionary Test Papers.
Students should carefully read such materials, practice sums and questions and
understand the implications and applicability.
ii) To score high marks, students should plan to answer objective type questions and sums
correctly. Plenty of examples are there in the Study Notes and Revisionary Test Papers for
iii) Understanding the subject matter is important, as objective type questions are often set to
test the knowledge and comprehension of the student. Therefore, in a Chapter, nothing 8
should be left out. All chapters are important and questions can be set from any part of any
chapter within the study note / syllabus.
iv) The various terminologies or acronyms used in a chapter should be noted and remembered.
Questions are set sometimes on acronyms or definitions of the same.
v) Answers should be brief and to the point. Marks allotted against each part will give an idea
about the nature and size of the answer expected.
vi) Some students write answers in a disorganized manner e.g. parts of one question are
spread over the answer book or answering more questions than what are required. This
shows weakness of his/her preparation / decision and seldom he or she gains as a result of
such additional efforts. A student should concentrate on understanding the question
carefully and providing a correct answer thereby utilizing the tome effectively. A good
judgment and confidence based on thorough preparation for the examination is expected
from the student.
viii) Lastly, regular practice is the key to success. There is good opportunity to score high marks
in this paper.
The General observation of the examiners was that Candidates took the Examination without
adequate preparation. Knowledge of various provisions was not upto expectations. Even if the
Candidates knew the rules and provisions, they failed to interpret and apply them properly.
Presentation was very much lacking. The handwriting in many cases was illegible. Many spelling
mistakes and simple grammatical errors were also observed.
1. (a) Overall performance of the students is poor. Students are not thorough with the
various statutory provision which leads to poor performance.
 (b) Overall performance of the students is average. Some of the students gave the
answer true/ false with wrong reasons.
 (c) Overall performance of the students is below average. Only very few students give
correct answer especially with the part II and V.
2. (a) Only very few students able to give correct answer.
 (b) Many Candidates were found to be unaware of the provision of Section 28 of the
Customs Act.
 (c) Most of the Students failed to understand what is Tax Payer’s identification number
(State level VAT).
3. (a) Some of the Candidates failed to compute correctly taxable value of services and
amount of service tax payable. 9
 (b) Most of the candidates were not clear in respect of which dealers are not eligible for
composition scheme under State VAT even if their annual turnover is below specified
 (c) Overall performance of the students were average.
 (d) This question is attempted by students well except few.
4. The answer was attempted fairly well by majority of the Candidates. But, in respect of past
II only very few students compute the Amount of service tax correctly under different
5. Overall performance of the students in respect of Part I and Part II are average. However in
respect of Part III most of the Candidates failed to enumerate various categories of sale of
goods, indicating when sate VAT is payable, when Central Sales Tax is payable and when
no VAT/CST is payable.
6. Most of the Students answered correctly in respect of Part I and part II. But, in respect of
Part III many candidates were not clear about the provisions relating to ER-4 return.
7. The Performance of the students for this question in respect of Part I and part II are very
poor. Further SSI exemption is available if the goods bearing brand name of other person
are manufactured in a specified area (Part III) are not known by majority of the candidates.
8. The answer was attempted fairly well by majority of candidates but the powers of
Superintendent of Central Excise relating to adjudication and remission of duty (Part B) and
when does an advance ruling on Service Tax become void-ab-initio are not clearly stated by
majority of the Candidates.
The standard of the questions asked was up to the mark. The questions were well set to check the
candidates’ analytical ability, conceptual skill and theoretical knowledge in practical situation. It
was duly balanced covering 100% of the syllabus.
• The overall performance has not been up to the level which may be expected from the
student desirous of entering into the profession of high expertise and knowledge.
• Their answers exhibited lack of systematic and logical approach, clear presentation, proper
and adequate conceptual and analytical explanation.
• They had poor knowledge of concepts and lacked in adequate practice to solve diverse range
of practical problems.
• Certain candidates did not start answer to each question on a FRESH PAGE as instructed
by the Institute.
• More questions having different parts were answered by some of the examinees at different
places of their Answer Books.
Question No. 1(a):
Although majority of the candidates were able to choose correct answers from the alternatives but
they could not substantiate their answers with adequate calculations/reasons. 10
Question No. 1(b):
This question was answered by and large well by most of the candidates. The overall performance
was well.
Question No. 1(c):
Most of candidates could get few rights. Very few got the answer correct. The overall performance
was of average level.
Question No. 2(a):
Most of the candidates could get few steps/points right. Some of them performed well. The overall
performance was of average level.
Question No. 2(b):
Most of the candidates attempted this question and failed to answer correctly. Their answer
exhibited confused knowledge of the concepts:-
(i) Ex-ante Beta (ii) Systematic and unsystematic risk and their proportions in the stocks.
Some of the candidates performed well. The overall performance was of average level.
Question No. 3(a) & 3(b):
These are the theory questions. Most of the examinees could get few points right. Some of them
performed well. The overall performance was of average level.
Question No. 3(c) & 3(d):
Most of the candidates could get few steps right. Some of them performed good. The overall
performance was of below average level.
Question No. 4(a):
The overall performance was of above average level.
Question No. 4(b):
Most of the candidates could get few steps right, few got the answer correct. The overall
performance was poor.
Question No. 4(c):
Most of the candidates failed to answer the question correctly. Their answers were not upto the
Question No. 5(a):
This part of the question was answered by and large well by most of the examinees. The overall
performance was well.
Question No. 5(b):
Most of the candidates failed to answer to this part of the question correctly. Their answers were
not up to the mark.
Question No. 6(a):
Most of the candidates could get few points right, few got the answer correct. Overall performance
was of below average level.
Question No. 6(b):
Most of the candidates could get few points correct. Some of them performed good. The overall
performance was of average level.
Question No. 6(c):
Most of the candidates performed more or less well.
Question No. 7(a):
Most of the candidates could get few points correct. Some of them performed well. The overall
performance was of average level. 11
Question No. 7(b):
Most of the candidates could get few points right, very few got the answer correct. Overall
performance was of below average level.
Question No. 7(c):
Most of the examinees failed to answer to this question correctly. Some of the examinees were
beating about the bush writing, unnecessary and irrelevant details in their answers. The overall
performance was not up to the marks.
Question No. 8(a):
This part of the question was answered by and large good by most candidates. The overall
performance was well.
Question No. 8(b):
Most of the candidates failed to answer to this part of question correctly. The overall performance
was not up to the mark.
Question No. 8(c):
Most of the candidates could get few point of the answer right. Some of them performed more or
less well. The overall performance was of average level.
¾ The examinees/students are advised to read and understand the questions thoroughly and
carefully before writing answers.
¾ The examinees should consult/read standard reference books. (latest editions)/study notes
thoroughly and analytically.
¾ Read the theoretical portion before attempting the theoretical/practical problems. Only
theoretical knowledge will help you to develop the conceptual and computation skills.
¾ Adequate practice of theoretical/practical model problems is essential to acquire command
over the fundamentals of the subject matters.
¾ Due attention must be given towards orderly presentation of solutions of practical
problems in suitable FORMAT along with sufficient working notes in order to secure good
¾ Comprehensive preparation and acquiring in depth knowledge of the subject matters is
extremely required.
¾ Never tend to indulge in selective studies.
¾ Consult the past questions and suggested answers of the Institute to know the
pattern/standard of the questions and presentation of answers to the questions.
1. The majority of the candidates performed reasonably well and gave satisfactory answer in
Question No. 1 in Part-A. It included six set of different nature questions like
short/objective/matching the appropriate word/fill in the blanks in the statements
type/nature compulsory questions. But very few candidates have properly answered
Question No. 1 (c). Most of the students failed badly in this part only. 12
2. (a) Question No. – 2: This question is very easy. First part is problem oriented and
second part is theory/subjective question. Majority of the candidates attempted this
question very well and gave satisfactory answer and they scored better.
 (b) Question No. – 3: These questions are comparatively critical. Most of the candidates
had not attempted very well, especially the part (b) question. In this part only few
students gave theoretical explanation well. Due to poor conceptual knowledge most of
the candidates answered this part wrongly.
(c) Question No. – 4: Part (a) of this question is standard. Most of the candidates
attempted this question without knowledge and obviously their answer is not so good
and satisfactory. The answer of part-b was comparatively better and most of the
students obtained full marks in this part.
 (d) Question No. – 5: The first part of this question is problem oriented and easy.
Majority of the candidates attempted this question very well and gave the satisfactory
answer and they obtained full marks. But unfortunately in case of second part of this
question, most of the candidates not answered properly and satisfactorily due to the
lack of conceptual knowledge (because they did not read the study materials properly).
 (d) Question No. – 6: Most of the candidates were found comfortable in attempting the
part-a question and answered very well for the question was practical and relatively
easy to answer. They got full marks from this part of question. The second part of the
question is subjective orientation. Due to lack of profound knowledge only few
students were found comfortable and gave satisfactory answer.
(e) Question No. – 7: The part-a of the question is very easy and scoring nature. Most of
the students attempted all parts of this question and their answers were very well and
in most cases they obtained full marks. The second part of the question demanded
some critical analyses but the students could not understand the spirit of the
question. They failed to match their answer according the question and not gave the
satisfactory answer.
(f) Question No. – 8: All these questions were scoring questions. Majority of the students
attempted very well these questions especially part-a & b. But unfortunately a few
candidates were able to attempt the part-c question. Due to lack of conceptual
knowledge most of the candidates have given irrelevant and vague answers and
obviously they are not getting the marks.
(i) Some candidates have given the answer based on superficial knowledge and ideas. A few
candidates lack in conceptual knowledge and sometimes they have given irrelevant and vague
answers mainly relating to the subjective type of questions.
(ii) After analyzing and scrutiny the examiner’s general comments regarding questions it may
be observed that this paper is an average standard one.
(iii) On the basis of answer of the students, it is observed that the majority of them did not go
through the study materials more seriously. Candidates must read the study materials
thoroughly and Suggested Answers of previous years’ question papers and quality text
books as well. Then they would have profound knowledge of the subject and may be able to
answer the questions satisfactorily.
1. The majority of the candidates performed well in Question No.1 & 5, the short/objective
type compulsory questions both in Section –I & II. But very few candidates have properly
answered Question No. 1 (c). Most of the students failed badly.
 Students performed reasonably well and gave satisfactory answer in Section-II of this paper
in comparison to Section-I. 13
2. (a) Question No –2: Majority of the candidates attempted this question well expecting
the last part of (c) i.e. the use of BCG by public Sector Insurance Companies, the
strategic option-concept was mostly misdirected). Many candidates gave the wrong
answer being mostly out of context. The market-Share and market-growth were not
shown in the matrix.
 (b) Question No - 3: Most of the candidates had not attempted very well the concept of
Economic Value Added (EVA). Few students gave theoretical explanation and failed
to illustrate it in quantitative terms. But the answers of part-b and part-c attempted
by the students wear of above the average.
 (c) Question No. – 4: Most of the candidates attempted this short note questions
satisfactorily. Among them the answer of part-a was not so good but part b, c & d
were comparatively better. Many of them did not draw the diagram of part-c. Had
the students attempted these short note questions they would have performed better
for this was a scoring question.
 (d) Question No.6: Most of the candidates were found comfortable in attempting all
part of this question and answered very well for the question was relatively easy to
 (e) Question No. 7: Most of the students attempted parts of this question and their
answers were above the average standard. The question 7(a) demanded some critical
analyses but the students could not understand the spirit of the question. They
failed to match their answer according the question. Very few of them who
attempted failed to show the variables of computation of premium and tariff rates as
indicated by the insurance company. They could not enter critical arena of
discussion, Candidates attempting the part-b and part-c questions were found
comfortable and gave satisfactory answer.
 (f) Question No. 8: Majority of the students attempted very well this question
especially part-a & part-c. Only few candidates were able in showing the impact of
macroeconomic factor and risk (question part-b) Like the previous question no. 4,
this was also a scoring question. As per the opinions of the examiners students
should attempts these kinds of questions.
(a) Some candidates have given the answer based on superficial knowledge and ideas. A few
candidates lack in conceptual knowledge and sometimes they have given irrelevant and
vague answers mainly relating to the subjective type of questions.
(b) After analyzing and scrutiny the examiner’s general comments regarding questions it may
be observed that this paper is standard one.
(c) On the basis of the answer of the students, it is observed that the majority of them did not
go through the study materials more seriously. Candidates must read the study materials
thoroughly and students’ editions Suggested Answers of previous years’ questions and
quality text books as well. Then they would have profound knowledge of the subject and
may be able to answer the questions satisfactorily.
Performance of Students
3.1 The performance of students as highly unsatisfactory. The following shortcomings were
noticed in the case of most of the students.
 A. Many students were not aware of the recent amendments;
 B. Lack of subject knowledge was evident. Concepts were not properly understood by
the students and they appeared to adopt a mechanical approach. Most students
found it difficult to answer short questions [question 1(b)]; 14
 C. Usage of precise legal terminology was absent. Though there is no word like “Taxable
Income” (“Total Income” is the precise word), many students have used such word or
word like “Net Taxable Income”.
 D. Lack of communication skill was evident. Answers were not presented in a proper
manner by most of the students.
1. Overall Performance of the Students:
 The overall performance is not good.
2. Question No. 1(a), (b), (c) & (d):
 This was an objective oriented question and was more or less satisfactorily answered by the
majority except for in definition of the term “data-mixing”, which very few could answer
Q. 2 (a): This was a problem on simulation and many who attempted it, got it right.
Q.2 (b): None could get this problem on “Decision True” correct. None could even
draw the decision true correctly.
Q. 3 (a) & (b): These were practical problems and not many could solve them correctly.
Q. 4 (b), 5 (b), 6(b) & 7(a): Were good problems, basically aimed at testing examinees
ability to solve such practical problems.
 Q. 6 (a): Was quite easy and the majority of the examinees could answer correctly.
 Rest was theoretical questions.
The overall performance was extremely poor.
To improve performance, the examinees are:
 (i) advised to improve their English and hand-writing.
 (ii) built up a through concept by going through the study material from the 1st to the
last sentence.
 (iii) They should practice to solve problems on all topics for scoring will in the exam.
Most of the students failed to understand the questions properly for which they attempted in a
guess wise fashion. Also, workings for correct answers were not provided in numerous cases which
adequately prove that the answers were consulted in the examination hall.
For the second part of the question, it was attempted fairly by some students.
Most of the students failed to understand the difference between the equity and the long term fund
approach of goodwill. As a result, the leverage effect on goodwill was misunderstood practically by
all the students.
Part A was fairly attempted by numerous students. However, for Part – B, students practically do
not any idea of framing Journal Entries. Almost all the entries were wrong and marks were
allocated in an average fashion to enable them to pass. 15
This was a pretty lengthy sum. Students made a mess of the solution and practically not a single
student was able to solve the sum correctly.
The sum appeared very tough for the students to attempt and solve in exam situation. Majority of
the students failed to calculate the number of shares to be issued to the shareholders of each of
the companies. The projected profit and loss account was not understood by quite a large chunk of
Calculation of maximum price which the management can pay per share of PIJUSH Ltd. was not
calculated correctly by most of the students. This sum was also not understood by numerous
students and marks were given in an average fashion.
The specific sum was not understood by a large number of students. Most of the students could
not understand the exact number of working notes which were required and necessary for solving
the sum in a correct approach.
Theoretical questions were attempted fairly well and most of the students on an average secured
decent marks.
The overall performance was quite satisfactory.
Question wise comments on the performance and guidelines to the examinees:
Question No. 1 and 5:
Were compulsory questions and were framed basically to test examiner’s knowledge on the basic
concepts of the subject and the current financial and economic knowledge. Majority of the
examinees have found well. For those who could not do well are advised to go through the study
material & the suggested answers thoroughly, which will help the examinees to be in a position to
correctly answer them.
Question No. 2:
Very few examinees answered this question and excepting 2/3 examinees, none could correctly
answer part 2 (c). The examinees are advised to practice more and more problems and undertaken
deep study of the subject.
Question No. 3:
This question including the mathematical part was quite easy and the majority of the examinees
could get the correct answer.
Question No. 4:
This topical question required the examinees to have knowledge for making the current answer.
Many could answer Part ‘A’ & Part ‘B’ correctly and the majority failed to answer correctly Part ‘C’
of the question.
Question No. 6:
The basic aim of this question was to test the examinees on the operational aspects of the subject.
On the whole, the answer was satisfactory.
Question No. 7:
This theoretical question demand theoretical knowledge of the subject issues. The answers, as the
whole, were not up to the mark.
The examinees are advised to go through the study materials thoroughly so as to enable them to
answer such questions correctly. 16
Question No. 8:
Short Notes question as common topics. These questions have been answered more or less
properly by the majority.
General observations & suggestion to students:
i) Examinees/Students are advised to study the materials provided by the Institute carefully.
ii) Reading the books prescribed in the syllabus will enhance depth of knowledge.
iii) Students should regularly practice solving questions from past examination papers and books.
1. Compulsory objective question – most students have done well. Performance can be
improved if fundamentals are thorough.
2. Most students have attempted this question. In 2(b) steps of calculating EVA are not
specifically given. General answers should be avoided.
3. Answer to part (a) and (c) is satisfactory. 3(b) – adjustments to financial statements for
calculating EVA was not satisfactory.
4. Fewer candidates could answer part (a) as required under Modigliani Miller approach.
Answer to part (b) is satisfactory.
5. Students could not explain concept of partial selloff satisfactorily.
6. Some students did not make appropriate adjustments for inconsistency in results as
required by the question.
7. The approach used was correct, but most students made mistakes in the calculations.
8. This question especially part (b) regarding merger/acquisition was answered well by most
Disclaimer : The summary of comments of the Head Examiners have been
given as guidance to assist the students in preparing themselves for the
Institutes examination. The opinion has been given by the Head Examiners
and should not be taken to reflect the views of the Institute of Cost
Accountants of India.